Rail Services Planning Office Archives



Rail Merger Study

On February 2, 1977, the Interstate Commerce Commission announced a nationwide study of railroad mergers to be conducted by its Rail Services Planning Office. The purpose of the study is to review the advantages and disadvantages of such agreements, to identify the principal problems involved, and to propose solutions to the problems identified. The results of the study are expected to assist the Commission in determining if carrier consolidation proposals are in the public interest.

Initial Paper 4-15-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Initial Paper 4-15-1977.pdf) 5.968MB
Preliminary Report 11-1-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Prelim 11-1-1977.pdf) 3.91MB
Executive Summaries of Issue Papers (RSPO Rail Merger Study Issue Papers 8-2-1977.pdf) 1.293MB
Issue Paper #1: Service 8-1-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Service 8-1-1977.pdf) 10.851MB
Issue Paper #2: Impacts on Other Carriers 8-12-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Impacts 8-12-1977.pdf) 4.677MB
Issue Paper #3: Labor 8-26-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Labor 8-26-1977.pdf) 7.76MB Courtesy David Mangold Collection
Issue Paper #4: Environmental and Community Impact (RSPO Rail Merger Study Environmental 9-7-1977.pdf) 3.241MB Courtesy David Mangold Collection
Issue Paper #5: Role of Government 8-1-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Role of Govt 8-1-1977.pdf) 12.209MB
Issue Paper #6: National Defense 8-12-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study National Defense 8-12-1977.pdf) 3.607MB
Issue Paper #7: Alternatives to Merger 8-18-1977 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Mergers 8-18-1977.pdf) 4.448MB
Final Report 2-1-1978 (RSPO Rail Merger Study Final 2-1-1978.pdf) 6.645MB


1-20-1976: "Feds reject Ohio rail plan" Courtesy Dover-New Philadelphia Times-Reporter http://www.timesreporter.com


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This page updated 5-18-2013