State of Ohio Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2018 (Draft)


Revisions to ORC Chapter 5537 Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission

ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions 7-3-2018 (.doc version) (ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions 7-3-2018.doc)
ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions 7-3-2018 (.pdf version) (ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions 7-3-2018.pdf)


ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions Notes 7-3-2018 (.doc version) (ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions Notes 7-3-2018.doc)
ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions Notes 7-3-2018 (.pdf version) (ORC 5537 OTIC Revisions Notes 7-3-2018.pdf)


Revisions to ORC Chapter 4582 Port Authorities

ORC 4582 Port Authorities Revisions 7-3-2018 (.doc version) (ORC 4582 Port Authorities Revisions 7-3-2018.doc)
ORC 4582 Port Authorities Revisions 7-3-2018 (.pdf version) (ORC 4582 Port Authorities Revisions 7-3-2018.pdf)


ORC 4582 Notes 7-3-2018 (.doc version) (ORC 4582 Notes 7-3-2018.doc)
ORC 4582 Notes 7-3-2018 (.pdf version) (ORC 4582 Notes 7-3-2018.pdf)


Revisions to ORC Downtown Redevelopment Districts and Innovation Districts

ORC 5709.45 to 5709.47 (.doc version) (DRDs-IDs 7-21-2018.doc)
ORC 5709.45 to 5709.47 (.pdf version) (DRDs-IDs 7-21-2018.pdf)


DRDs-IDs Notes 7-21-2018 (.doc version) (DRDs-IDs Notes 7-21-2018.doc)
DRDs-IDs Notes 7-21-2018 (.pdf version) (DRDs-IDs Notes 7-21-2018.pdf)


Revisions to ORC Chapter 1519 Recreational Trails (pending)


Revisions to ORC Chapter 5531: Federal Cooperation (pending)


Revisions to wireless service and placement of small cell wireless facilities in the public way

ORC 1332.23 Video service authorization - video service as cable service (pending)
ORC 4939: Use of municipal public way (pending)

Notes (pending)


Revision to Ohio House Standing Committees

Change Transportation and Public Safety Committee to "Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee"


Revision to Ohio Senate Standing Committees

Change Transportation, Commerce and Workforce Committee to "Transportation, Infrastructure, Commerce and Workforce Committee"


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This page updated 8-8-2018