Penn Central Transportation Co. Archives - Interlocking Charts


East Region

Harrisburg Division

West Ferry & East Ferry Interlockings; Stoney Interlocking Controlled by Rockville; Milersburg, PA to Dauphin, PA Sheet #20 1-1-1971 (PCTC West Ferry INX Chart 1-1-1971.pdf)

Creek, West Boyles, East Boyles, West Miller and East Miller Interlockings Sunbury, PA to Millersburg, PA Sheet #21 1-1-1972 (PCTC Sunbury INX Chart #21 1971.pdf) 1.26MB

SF Interlocking Sunbury, PA Sheet #22 1-1-1972 (PCTC Sunbury INX Chart #22 1972.pdf)


Eastern Region

Chesapeake Division c.1-1-1973 (PCTC Eastern Region INX Charts c1973.pdf) 31.839MB


Central Region

Pittsburgh Division B

Pitt Interlocking, Pittsburgh, PA Sheet #9 1-1-1970 (PCTC Pitt INX Chart 1-1-1970.pdf) 3.873MB

Conway Yard Westbound Hump, Conway, PA Sheet #30B 1-1-1969 (PCTC Conway W INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf)

Conway Yard Eastbound Hump, Conway, PA Sheet #30C 1-1-1969 (PCTC Conway E INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf)

Zane Interlocking, Wheeling, WV Sheet #43 1-1-1969 (PCTC Zane INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf)

Panhandle Pittsburgh to St. Louis Main Line

Scully Branch; Monongahela Branch; Ohio Connecting Bridge; Corloss Connecting Track; Esplen Block & Interlocking Station; Corliss; Elliott; Monon Interlocking Pittsburgh to Esplen Sheet #36 (PCTC Esplen INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf) 1.459MB

Weirton Jct. Interlocking, Weirton, WV Sheet #38? 1-1-1970 (PCTC Weirton Jct INX Chart 1-1-1970.pdf)

Mingo Jct. Interlocking, Mingo Jct., OH Sheet #39 1-1-1970 (PCTC Mingo Jct INX Chart 1-1-1970.pdf)

Acre Interlocking, Broadacre, OH Sheet #40 1-1-1969 (PCTC Acre INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf)

East Custer Interlocking; Scio Interlocking; Custer Block & Interlocking Station Jewett, OH Sheet #41 1-1-1969 (PCTC Custer INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf)

Uhrich & Dennison Interlocking, Uhrichsville, OH Sheet #42 1-1-1969 (PCTC Uhrich INX Chart 1-1-1969.pdf) 2.59MB

Valley Division Block Stations & Interlockings 1-1-1971 (PCTC Valley Div INX Charts 1-1-1971.pdf) 30.997MB Courtesy Robert Mandeville Collection


Unknown Railroad Company

River Line Penn Interlocking Part of G.O. 109, Zone C (Penn Interlocking.pdf)


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This page updated 7-6-2014